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Twinmooc : un corso online che sto seguendo per iniziare un nuovo progetto eTwinning


Ecco, ragazzi. Pubblico di seguito una bozza di progetto che vorrei proporre a qualche collega europeo disposto a lavorare insieme sul tema del Giubileo della Misericordia. Accanto al prof. David Bayne che voi di 1A avete conosciuto, chi vorrà collaborare con noi?

Si tratta di un'idea che comunque vedrà il vostro indispensabile contributo, dal momento che ne sarete i primi protagonisti!



Title: the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy


Project Kit description
1. Age 12-13 years
2. Language of the partners: Italian, Spanish, English
3. Interdisciplinary: Religion, History, Art


The activity, which began in the current school year with an eTwinning project with a British colleague, will be conducted with new partners as of September of the next school year and completed by Christmas. It will provide for an examination of the theme of the Jubilee and the creation of a themed memory game and a puzzle to give to smaller kids Institute, both in Italy and abroad, as well as to the partner schools boys.



* Identify, analyze and evaluate complex information;

* Prepare games (memory and puzzle);

* Practice oral and written skills in Italian and in a foreign language;

* Learn to work together for a common purpose and thinking of others;

* Use various ICT tools.




The phases of the work will be as follows: comparison with partners, shooting / or beginning of the Jubilee theme, initial brainstorming, choice of artistic images or created by the pupils and keyword, division of labor groups, document narrative that accompanies the route, use of ICT to create the game of memory and puzzle. Organization of the moment of meeting with the pupils in a class in the same school and with partners.


It will start and summative, always training, individual and group.


Follow up

It provides a diffusion of the project in the local communities, the site of the partner institutions and educational blog.




La bacheca virtuale del corso

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